
There is too much to say about books in a simple post, so I will keep it personal.

Books, as of late, have been more than a source of information, or a journey to travel. They’ve been a method by which I can see the forest and trees. Though still not at the same time.

As of late, I’ve been merely living. What I mean by that is not exactly questioning why I’m doing something, and not not questioning it. Sometimes I just sit on a curb for 5 minutes, then I continue walking. I always wonder why I’m doing it, but I’m not letting that deter or influence it.

Here’s today’s story. After leaving the shop after sitting for longer than I expected to, I decided to rent another book. This time, it’s Chrome Yellow by Aldous Huxley (since his name came up last night). I got back to my room, took care of some business, then decided to go to Sam’s for dinner. I left 30 minutes early just because I did. On my walk over, I stopped twice. The first was to finish a paragraph. The second was to sit on a bench. A few minutes after I sat, someone came over and sat. I was given the opportunity that I didn’t expect to explain something in abstract form. It was funny because it was brought up abstractly. Everything I had felt came true. Then after that, someone else came over which gave me a chance to continue a conversation that I accidentally interrupted one year ago. It was much fun.

Then I had class. After that, I hung with Bryan for a bit, and called it early to go read at Diem. I read for a bit and took a picture for a group of people. Then I got up and walked to my room. On my way, I met someone who is new to me so I walked with her back to Bohn because otherwise our lives would’ve been stuck in the passing hello stage.


You need to trust me that these are all miracles. They have each been heavy on my mind and it’s amazing to watch as all of life continues to flow. I can’t wait to continue this.

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