Idea for Raising Kids

As they learn the language they do in school, teach them another language. Don’t stop there though, choose one that you don’t know either. I feel this would remove some of the gap in language, when we are both struggling with the limitations of our words. I think it’d help remove the ego and allow for some empathy and understanding of what they may be trying to say.

As for the learning, perhaps it would help to be with someone who speaks a language you don’t, and to learn that one. I think it’d be a unique mutual-support way of learning a language on both sides.

Idea for Teaching in School

Have a general topic for an essay. Let anyone write anything that is relevant to that topic. Collect, organize the papers into groups (if they can be) and have the students teach their version of the topic. This may only work within more open-ended topics like philosophy.

For instance: teaching about reality of time. Rather than all read one text and respond, let some do the history. What are the first arguments for it? Let some do the physics, what does modern special and general relativity have to say about it? Let some do cultures. We have 24 hours, do other civilizations differ?

The point is not to assign the specific, but let them pick. I have a few classes like this. But it shouldn’t stop there. Let the students share what they’ve learned. Even if it’s 5 or 10 minutes per group. I think that allows for a greater potential of sparking interest and spontaneous learning.

Unfinished Essay on Realization


Realization etymologically roots to “action of making real,” and I would add either Mentally or Physically. This is seen in two of our main definitions (as given by the Oxford Dictionary).

1)      An act of becoming fully aware of something as a fact

2)      The fulfillment or achievement of something desired or anticipated

I find that the first definition is often the basis for the important events in our lives. By process of realization, we find what is important to us, what we find interesting, what things mean… Though I don’t entirely believe in teleological processes, I do find that in isolated events, Realization is both the beginning and the end. (Again, this is only perhaps as far as we can see it).

Realization as Beginning:

It dawned upon me; the light switched on; it clicked. These are a few ways of describing the moment of realization. In these phrases, the metaphor of light brings to us a sense of understanding. In short, understanding is the process where an individual can use concepts and ideas to deal with a subject adequately. Of course there is a subjective nature here, but let us leave that in acceptance for now. Understanding is the impetus for much of human action; whether it’s the philosophical strive to understand life, the universe, and everything, a parent trying to understand their child in order to help them, or some guy trying to understand what is required to get that girl’s number. What do we then do once we gained this understanding? Well that is up to the individual and the context, but we use it to create.

1)      Gregor Mendel realized in 1865 that traits were passed on in a certain way. We now understand genetics and why I have blue eyes (in relation to my parents).

2)      Geodesists realized that due to earth’s bulging at the equator (due to spinning) and gravitational pull on water, sea level is not constant. Now, we have Global Positioning Satellites which know that we’re not 50 feet underwater.

3)      Physics! Don’t get me started on physics

Science is nice, but is there more?

1)      In 1886, George Seurat realized that a bunch of individual points can combine to create an image; what we now know as Pointillism. (and perhaps inspiration for our pixel based screens)

2)      In 2010, Darren Aronofsky realized that humans can strive for perfection to the point where it damages their lives, and created Black Swan.

3)      Last year, I realized while juggling that I wasn’t happy in my current major/ life course, so I switched to philosophy.


For each of these situations, people tuned their attention to a particular field. Through observations and contemplations, they discovered an idea which led to vast movements in their fields. It’s common to give the credit to understanding. We’ve created a branch of philosophy for that very idea; what is knowledge and understanding? I think it’s easy to lose the initial moment which sets these ideas in motions though, and rightfully so; they pass by in the blink of an eye. But if fire is knowledge, then it needed a spark, and that spark is realization.


Realization as End:

Hours of research, of practice, of thought, and action; finally, our project had been realized. We have brought our creation into the world and it is now a functioning member of our lives. This is the idea of realization as the end. In music, the term is used when a composer’s work is finished after their death by some other composer. It is completion, closure, and for many, the time they can finally get a good night sleep. But when did you realize it, when was the final moment? Just like that of the beginning, it’s easy to miss this spec of a moment that defines the end.

To use examples from earlier, when did Mendel realize his work on genetics? Perhaps when he came up with the now-famous theory of Dominant and Recessive gene passing. When did Seurat realize his ideas of pointillism? Perhaps when he completed his work of Sunday Afternoon. It’s hard to say precisely, and that is the point. We come to see this as over and done, that the end realization has stopped this process.

So what did you realize through all of this? Well the project of course. Yes, but what did you realize? Well, I have certain skills. And what did you realize?

This is classic self-reflection, and the next point I would like to make


Realization as Continuation:

The Oxford Dictionary doesn’t help me here, so I’ll need to explain in my own terms.


Candle analogy for realization as end?



In either of these cases, we look upon the substance of the journey, i.e. the understanding and manifestation of these ideas. It’s only natural, for that is what directly affects us as humans.

Words, understanding, and skewing

I knew this would have significance.

In my new german class, the teacher spoke the entire time in german and i understood her well. This whole “new language” thing has really made me wonder how on earth I understand words at all. Frankly I dont know.

What I have noticed is that often, it’s not the words that we are understanding, but how we’ve come to know them through the context/inflection in which they were used. Some examples:

I always heard “agenda” being used politically, like a sort of ulterior motive. I’ve also heard it used as a plan for a day or trip, etc. So I looked it up. It’s a list of things to be considered or done. I wasn’t that far off, but honestly “Ulterior Motive” was very linked in my mind to agenda, which etymologically it shouldn’t be.

Evan and I were talking about drugs. The following two sentences have different effects:

1) Pharmacologically, the principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC); it is one of 483 known compounds in the plant.

2) Did you know that cannabis includes up to 483 compounds?! The chief of which is none other than tetrahydrocannabinol!!


What I’m pointing out here is first: the difference between personal-connotations and lexical-connotations, and something that really bothers me: sensationalism.

Sensationalism does nothing but skew fact in favor of influence, and it is how mass groups of people can be swept into false ideas. It’s scary, but rather than play into their game, I think the proper thing to do is pure education. Take out all the bias and teach to let others form their own opinions.


Pumping Leg

I’m sitting here with my legs crossed and my left food free-floating. I noticed a rhythmic bumping in it and realized it was my heart pumping blood. Hearts pump in and out in 2’s, like thumpthump…thumpthump…thumpthump. My foot twitches on the second thump.

Jack, remember!

This is a letter to future Jack. Every time night rolls around, you wish you could play the piano. Learn the piano, you have a week after Boston before school starts. You also have the entire semester. Start small and work your way up. We might still have the keyboard. If not, go get one

I’ll write these down

I promised Dennis I’d write these down (from the phone call we just had.)

1) It’s that self discovery cliche. But you know why it’s a cliche? Because no ones doing it. If we all did it and stopped just talking about it then we wouldn’t have the cliche.

2) It was the scariest thing I’ve had to do. It was so bad; my heart pounded so hard that I heard it in my ears and couldn’t hear anything else. But at least I was listening to my heart.

(this one was paraphrased for convenience)

Happening Again

It’s happening again. There have been a few moments of interconnectedness that have led me to the author David Mitchell and the book “The Reason I Jump.” My mind is racing trying to figure out what I’m supposed to do, but I’m going to take my advice from the past 2 or so weeks and take some deep breaths and follow the road rather than look for it’s end. It’s all very exciting though ^_^


Just for my own archive of how this works, here’s what’s happened. I received a 25$ gift card to Barnes and Nobel from my dad for Christmas, and a Kindle from my mom. I figured I’d use the money to buy a book I wanted to own. I went and looked for Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. They didn’t have it, which is surprising, but they had his first book “Ghostwritten.” I bought it and have spent the passed 2 days mostly reading it. It’s just fabulous (and there are a lot of connections to the movie version of Cloud Atlas, so I’m wondering if he connects all of his books. I can’t wait to read the rest). While reading, I’ve taken a few random breaks to do things like re-watch Cloud Atlas, do favors asked of me, and contemplate my version of this story. I like to read because it allows me to follow random urges a little more freely than my usual reason-demanding self.

During a nice talk with my mom, she mentioned to me that I should read a book called “The Reason I Jump.” It was written by a 13 year old autistic boy in Japan. My mom’s summary reminded me of an American version of the story. (

So now that I’ve hit 7/10 of the book, I took a break to look up David Mitchell so I could understand how he became so cool. Right there, at the bottom of the wiki page, was the last bit of relevant information “One of Mitchell’s children is autistic, and in 2013, he and wife Keiko translated into English a book written by an autistic 13-year-old Japanese boy, The Reason I Jump: One Boy’s Voice from the Silence of Autism.”

The book is next on my to-do list after I finish Ghostwritten. That’s all I know for now.

Traffic Lights and Other Signs

Part 1

It’s easy to feel lost. There is so much that isn’t known that we can become paralyzed with that thought, rather than full of life from that which is known.

I was driving and I saw a stop light out in the distance. It was green and I began to worry because I thought it might turn yellow at an awkward time making me decide to slam on my brakes or speed through. It remained green though. Of course, the first thing I did was reflect on this, and I’ve found that that often happens while driving. Looking further, I found that happens often in my life. I worry about what might be, and that is based on my limited information.

Some may say ignorance is bliss, meaning if I didn’t know what the light was, I wouldn’t think to worry about it. However, I feel that if it put me in that weird yellow situation, then my bliss may end. I don’t think ignorance is bliss entirely, I think it is situationally.

Rather, I think it’s best to either see the light or not, but continue to stay in the moment. Sure the light may turn yellow, maybe it’ll be early enough, maybe bad timing, or maybe stay green.

The unknown is overwhelming, but only when we do it to ourselves.

Part 2

At the end of school, I decided to be happy instead of trying to understand it all. What came as a result is not all that foreign, and I love when I remember it.

I’ve chosen to be happy. what manifests from that is often very nice. The little things become lovely, I am gracious, and many other virtues. However, the good feeling is like a drug, and I want more of it. So what happens is that I then want to search for happiness, and that’s the global mistake! the moment that happens, all happiness fades. The happiness comes from within and manifests in life. It’s scary though, because we like to see what’s coming. But, green light or not, it’s ok to remain in the moment.

The other side to this is my search for being right, to understand truth, and the word Should. I so desperately want to know those answers, but they come from within. I spend most of my life trying to find them. But like the happiness, I must first align myself within the answers and let them manifest.

Thank you!

End of Semester Reflection

Yesterday, Thanksgiving, Sean asked if I was keeping up with these posts. I said yes, though I haven’t written in a while. Since the semester was coming to a close, I figured it was time for a reflection. Then that night, and this night, presented a good time to do that.

This semester was entered into with the idea to wait. It’s funny, I can remember the conversation I had with Andy about it and not much else. At least right now it is just a vague idea of passing time. But I am here now and the waiting is almost over. It’s time to step back to other people.

I’ve spent a lot of time alone in my own world. A world that is part reflection, part creation. I’ve learned a lot. Most importantly, I’ve learned that you need to do as much as you need to think. And I’ve done some things that I thought I could never do. Some obstacles have been much overcome and the period of transformation has begun. It’s nice to see the beginnings of a new way of living. While writing, I’m excited to watch as it unfolds.

Honesty really is important. It’s easy to think of the past as something unchangeable, but I’ve found that my memories of the past are as accurate as the imaginings I often have. I’ve come to realize that a lot of the fears I’ve held on to, I don’t even remember where they came from. And if I do, I’ve found that most of the situations have changed, and holding on the old fears is like using an outdated computer, it’s just a hassle for all and it’s time to upgrade to the present. So that’s what I’m doing. The software is done installing, so it’s time to use it.

What I mean by all of this is that I’ve had some conversations and gotten certain things out on the table that needed to be. Going forward, I’ll make an attempt to not ever let an elephant grow in my room. But, since I did, I had to handle them. It’s very liberating. There is no chorus of angels to tell me I’m on the right path, but a lot less guilt and fear in my mind.

It’s still foreign to me and will be a work in progress, but I’ve begun to change again. Physically, like people can notice these changes. I know I think people should be able to perceive my changes, but some really are subtle.

Anyway I re-pierced my ear with a sewing needle because I was watching a movie and then I did it. I almost passed out like the last 2 times I injured myself with a sharp object (those times were accidents). I think my subconscious has a tight hold on my body.


What I’ve learned this semester are a few important reflections. I succumb to the fear of judgement from others. To not be accepted. I created a personality that was safe, all inclusive. I did well. It was amiable and charismatic, but never too much of any flavor. It worked fine and I’m sure it would be very successful in modern society, so it’s for sale. But that must come to an end. I need to come back to be many versions of myself, and to stand for the ideals I’ve found that transcend them all. Not manifestations of my types will agree, but it is for the overarching to teach them.

I don’t know if the past can be erased. But for me, I was creating the present based on a past I had created. I don’t actually remember the events for what they were. I suppose perhaps that’s how memory works, but for me it wasn’t working just right. I had fears that were built upon misinformation and so I had the let them go. It’s a bit of a fresh start, but at least this time I have a fully cognitive brain. Perhaps I can better catalog it, or at least remember to live in the moment instead of the past. It does feel good. It’s funny to look back on things that I claim certainty of and realize that that was just a certainty I used to have and really I don’t actually know anymore. It really is liberating. Because frankly, I don’t know. I think this was part of the cycle of re-manifesting what has passed, and it will slow down now.

I have facebook again, but as you my have guessed, I deleted almost everything from it. I hope to have it all gone and replaced with up-to-date me soon.